1. a.In 1987 the APA Committee on Psychiatric Diagnosis began work on the DSM. b. In May 1988 the Board of trustees of the APA appointed a Task Force to undertake the preparation of DSM-IV. c. In August 1988 the first Methods Conference was held to discuss procedures for gathering and analyzing data from different studies to achieve comprehensive and objective consideration of emprical literature. d. Development process that focused field trails to asses the extent to which proposed revisions would actually improve the reliability/validity to address the issues identified by the literature reviews. e. Publication of the DSM-IV draft criteria. 2. To add or delete something to the DSM it had to be accompanied by a review of the empirical and clinical literature. It had to be reviewed by someone with the apropriate skills to conduct the review. And they have to be systematic, comprehensive, objective overviews of the most relevant empirical research. 3. Advantages - a. Has to be reviewed so there is not a lot of error in the text. b. Must be done by someone qualified to make the statements. c. They are not someones theory. People looking to make a name for themselves can not abuse this publication. Dissadvantages - a. Could keep correct but unqualified resreach out. b. The review for adding something could take a long time. c. There could be gaps in research. 4. a. Rett's Syndrome